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Create Account

This is to create an eenos hosting account . You can also create the hosting account with reseller privileges.

Required Parameters

These  parameters are mandatory , or else you will receive  400 error code.

Filed Description Example
apiuser API user  name eenos_api
apiauth API  user password eenos123
domain Client's  main website name
user A user name for eenos account myclient
email Contact email address of client
package Hosting plan or package  name Bronze

Optional Parameters

Filed Description Example
password A password for  eenos login , will be auto generated if not given changeclientpassword
language The language code for eenos control panel, default  is 'en' en
theme If you have custom theme name , default  theme is 'default' default
mailserver Use local  or remote mail server , default 'local' local
dkim  To enable dkim , values  accepted  'off' or 'on' off
spf To enable spf , values accepted 'off' or 'on' off
reseller To make this account reseller , accepted values 'off'  or 'on' on
resellerself Self on accounts in case of reseller, values accepted  'off' or 'on' on
use_registrar_ns To use domain registrar NS records , accepted values 'off'  or 'on' on
ipv4 To enable dedicated IPv4 , values accepted 'off' or 'on'. This will override package feature off
ipv6 To enable dedicated IPv6, values accepted 'off' or 'on'. This will override package feature off
shell To enable shell access , values accepted 'off' or 'on off

Result Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
500 Server Error
403 Forbidden , demo server
400 Bad data request

Request URL

Post url  = /createacct/

Full URL =  https://your-host-name:5555/api/createacct/

Curl  Code

/usr/bin/curl -X POST $API_URL \
    -d "apiuser=eenos_api" \
    -d "apiauth=eenos123" \
    -d "" \
    -d "user=myclient" \
    -d "" \
    -d "package=Brownse"

Sample Output

{'data': {'addondomains': 'unlimited',
          'bandwidth': 'unlimited',
          'contactemail': '',
          'dedicatedip': {'ipv4': '',
                          'ipv6': '2a01:0xxx:0xxx:2xxx:0000:0000:0000:xxxx',
                          'status': 'off',
                          'status6': 'off'},
          'dkim': 'off',
          'domain': '',
          'email': 'unlimited',
          'feature': 'Default',
          'ftp': 'unlimited',
          'homedir': '/home/myclient',
          'language': 'en',
          'maillist': 'unlimited',
          'mailquota': 'unlimited',
          'mailserver': 'local',
          'nameservers': ['', ''],
          'owner': 'root',
          'package': 'Brownse',
          'parkeddomains': 'unlimited',
          'quota': 'unlimited',
          'reseller': {'selfown': 'off', 'status': 'off'},
          'setuptime': '2022-12-12 07:47',
          'shell': {'shell': '/sbin/nologin', 'status': 'off'},
          'spf': 'off',
          'sql': 'unlimited',
          'subdomains': 'unlimited',
          'theme': 'default',
          'user': 'myclient'},
 'info': 'Hosting account created successfully',
 'status': 200}
Python Code
import requests
from pprint import pprint
# The API request url
# The server api base url
# Default  base url
# base_url='https://your-host-name:5555/api'
# Version specific base url
# base_url='https://your-host-name:5555/api/v1'
# The api url 
# The data in dictionary format
    'apiuser': 'eenos_api',
try:, data = data)
except Exception as e:
PHP Code
// The API request url

// Your server API base url
// Default base url
// $base_url='https://your-host-name:5555/api';
// Version specific base url
// $base_url='https://your-host-name:5555/api/v1';
//The data you want to send via POST
$fields= [
    'apiuser'   =>  'eenos_api',
    'apiauth'   =>  'eenos123',
    'domain'    =>  '',
    'user'      =>  'myclient',
    'email'     =>  '',
    'package'   =>  'Brownse'
//url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);
//open connection
$ch = curl_init();
//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $api_url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);
//So that curl_exec returns the contents of the cURL; rather than echoing it
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 
//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);
//Print the json result
echo json_encode(json_decode($result), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);