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About eapi

The eapi is a command line API tool to manage some basic operations on Eenos . This api tool will be  helpful for developing Eenos apps . 

This API tool have currently some limited functionality , if you like to see some features on this, please let us know.

How to access eapi ?

Please use the  command line   /usr/local/eenos/scripts/eapi   

Results From EAPI

The EAPI will  output results as YAML , JSON  or JsonPretty format. The default output format is YAML. The eapi output contains three parts.

  • status : This shows if the API action is success or not by providing values ok or failed respectively
  • message: A generic message with the  API actions
  • data :  A structured data associated with the api actions

All available API commands can be  refereed from the coming pages.