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What is WAP API ?

This API is used to manage eenos accounts and reseller. You may use this documentation to integrate eenos hosting control panel into your billing system or other remote management services. 

The eenos API is a Rest framework to manage requests. You can send  the requests using  your favourite programming language or curl command.

Main Components of API URL

The API URL have two parts ,

  1. Data Part
  2. Post URL

Data Part

Data part contain the data send to the API url . Every data part need to parameters that required to authenticate with the API servers. Those are 

apiuser  - The user name of the API

apiauth - The password of the API user

Every API Request need apiuser and apiauth parameters to perform the operation

Post URL

The  API Url that is performing the operation of the API request. Eenos have unique  API url for every operations.  There are two type of API URLs . The defaault url and version based user

Exampe , Default URL : https://your-host-name:5555/api/

Example , Version url : https://your-host-name:5555/api/v1/ 

Every API Request need the API URL to perform the requested task

Default URL

This API  url use the default api version provided by the server. At this time the default  url is version 1

Version URL

If you like to perform operations on  a specific  API version of the eenos control panel . At this time we have version 1 url

Response &  Output

The  result from the  API requests will be in Json data format. which will have three parts

  1.  data
  2. info
  3. status

The data json  dictionary will  contain the data preformed after api operation


This field provide an information about the API


This field provide the operation status code. If the status code is 200, then the operation is success , there are some other code too that will be provided in the coming api document with every operation.


The following example shows how to send an API request to Eenos WAP Admin ,

We are using the following data,




Sample CURL Command on Default API Url

curl  -X POST -d "apiuser=eenos_api&apiauth=eenos123"

Sample  CURl Command on Version API URl , v1

curl  -X POST -d "apiuser=eenos_api&apiauth=eenos123"


{"data":{"load_average":"0.55 0.51 0.46"},"info":"Current server load","status":200}

The above API request will  retrieve the srever Load Average 

Authentication Errors

The API requests will show two type of authentication errors 

  1. Authentication credentials were not provided
  2. You do not have permission to perform this action.
Authentication credentials were not provided 

As the message showing you need to send apiuser and apiauth to perform the operation 

You do not have permission to perform this action.

You may be used the  wrong  apiuser name and apiauth. Or your IP have restriction for accessing the API using the given  api login credentials.