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How to to install cptoeenosdatoeenos a.k.a cp2eenos?da2eenos?

The cptoeenosdatoeenos (cp2eenos)da2eenos) tools is fully developed using python. You can install it on any Linux compatible server with Python3  installed.  Your server need Python3 version 3.6 or higher to use it.

To install cptoeenosdatoeenos run the following command from shell:

pip  --no-cache-dir install --extra-index-url cptoeenosdatoeenos

You can also use the pip3 command too :

pip3  --no-cache-dir install --extra-index-url cptoeenosdatoeenos

This will install all required packages for cptoeenos.datoeenos. After installing the tools you may use the command cptoeeenosdatoeeenos or cp2eenosda2eenos to start converting.

cptoeenosdatoeenos / cp2eenosda2eenos command options :

The following command options are available  with this tool.

  -f, --full            Convert all CpanelDirectadmin accounts and hosting packages
  -u user, --user user  Convert a single CpanelDirectadmin user/reseller account 
  -b backup_file, --backupfile backup_file
                        Convert a CpanelDirectadmin backup file(.tar.zst, .tar ,tar, .tar.gz)
  -p, --packages        Convert all WHMDirectadmin hosting packages

Backup convert option(s):
  --skipmysql           Exclude MySQL database(s)
  --skippgsql           Exclude PgSQL database(s)
  --skiphomedir         Exclude Homedir
  --skipemail           Exclude Email accounts 
  --skipresellerconfig  Exclude reseller privileges

Upload Option(s):
  -s path_to_store, --saveto path_to_store
                        A folder location to save the converted backups 

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --demon           Run convert process as daemon service
  -w workdir, --workdir workdir
                        A folder to generate temporary backup files,
                         Working directory : Default /root
  -pu path_to_script, --postupload path_to_script
                        A script path name to run after conversion.
                        You can use a bash script to upload the
                        converted backups to remote server.
Installing from source

You can  install cptoeenosdatoeenos from source.  You may download the installation source from the the Cp2Eenosda2Eenos Download Server

Sample command is as follows,

wget -c

Now  Build the  source as follows,

tar -xvzf cptoeenos-datoeenos-1.0.0.tar.gz
cd cptoeenos/datoeenos/

Now install the  python packages as follows,

pip3 install dist/cptoeenos-datoeenos-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

This will install the cptoeensodatoeenos tools .