Start Installing Eenos Control Panel
This document describes the installation procedure of eenos.
You can download the latest eenos auto installation tool from
Login to your server over ssh . You need to be root to install the eenos . If you are not root user switch to root as follows,
# sudo su -
Now change the working directory to /usr/src
# cd /usr/src
Download Eenos Auto Installer
Download the auto installer using wget or curl command from the server ssh terminal.
Download using wget command
# wget -c
Download using curl command
# curl -O
You can also download the installer to your desktop from the download link and upload to your server over ssh
Extract the tar file and go to the extracted folder
# tar -xzf eenos-installer-latest.tar.gz
# cd eenos-installer-1.0
Run installer
It is time to execute the installer. To see the available options run the following command from the installation folder.
# python3 -h
Copyright (C) 2023-2022,
Eenos High Performance Hosting Control Panel
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Eenos auto installer tool
usage: [options] install
install Install Eenos Hosting Control Panel
--atos Accept Eenos Software License(EPL) and Service Level Agreements
Eenos License (EPL) :
Service Level Agreements :
WARNING !!! : You are not allowed to use eenos
without accepting the EPL and SLA
--email contact_email_address
Server contact email address
Default :
--ns nameservers Comma separated list of default nameservers
--setupwebserver webserver_type, -sw webserver_type
Combination of web server you like to use
Choose one , By default we use nginxhttpd
nginx , Install nginx only web server
httpd , Install apache httpd web server
ols , Install OpenLiteSpeed web server
olsvarnish , install OpenliteSpeed and varnish cache
nginxhttpd , Install nginx and apache httpd
nginxvarnish , Install nginx with varnish cache
httpdvarnish , Install httpd with varnish cache
nginxhttpdvarnish , Install nginx and httpd with varnish cache
nginxolsvarnish , Install nginx and OpenLiteSpeed with varnish cache
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
It is recommend to user a server contact email and two name servers to setup the eenos control panel. If you have the email address and name servers, please use the following command to start installation
# python3 --atos --email EMAIL_ADDRESS --ns nameserver1,nameserver2 install
Example: We are using server contact email as and nameservers as and . Note: the installation command is as follows,
# python3 --atos --email --ns, install
You can also start the installer without contact email or nameservers. In that case, the installation tool use dummy contact email and name servers . If you do so , the installation command will be as follows,
# python3 --atos install
The installer setup the default web server combination as nginx+apache . You can choose a web server combination also. For example, if you like to setup varnish+nginx+apache httpd server , the installation command will be as follows,
# python3 --atos --setupwebserver nginxhttpdvarnish install
It will take some time to finish the eenos auto installer. After finishing the installation, you may need to setup the disk quotas using the following tool
It is recommend to reboot the server after the first installation.
Login to Eenos Control Panel
Eenos hosting control panel is a 3-tire application. It has the following login options,
1) WAP ( Web Admin Panel)
This is the root user control panel . It is for the server administrator. You need the root credentials to access the control panel. This service uses the following ports to connect
WAP SSL Port : 5555 ( Recommended ) , Login url is : https://your-server-hostname:5555/
WAP Non-SSL Port : 5554 ( Insecured ) , Login url is : http://your-server-hostname:5554/
2) RAPP( Reseller Control Panel - Reseller APP)
This is the reseller control panel for managing clients . Only reseller accounts are allowed to logins to this portal. The RAPP use the following ports to connect.
RAPP SSL Port : 4444 ( Recommended ) , Login url is, https://your-server-hostname:4444/
RAPP Non-SSL Port: 4443 (Insecured ) , Login url is , http://your-server-hostname:4443/
3) UAPP ( User Control Panel - User APP)
This is the end user control panel for managing domain, emails, ftp etc,. Only sure accounts are allowed to connect to this portal. UAPP use the following ports to connect
UAPP SSL Port : 3333 ( Recommended ) , Login url is, https://your-server-hostname:3333/
UAPP Non-SSL Port: 3332 (Insecured ) , Login url is , http://your-server-hostname:3332/
The non-ssl port will be redirected to SSL if your server have an ssl certificate installed on hostname