The eenosEenos WebReseller Admincontrol Panel (WAPRAPP ) is a feature rich user friendly interface for managing serveraccounts . Eenos is a modern high performance hosting control panel .
To login to WAP,RAPP, you need to use the following ports.
Secured HTTPS port : 55554444
Un Secured HTTP port : 55544443
An Example of login url will be as follows,
UAPPRAPP Login : https://your-domain-name:5555/4444/
What is inside Dashboard ?
The WAPRAPP dashboard is the desktop of the administratorreseller panel. It shows an overview of your hosting server.account. It also displays how many hosting accounts you have and how many hosting plans and resellerspackages you have.
The dashboard also provides some short-cuts to account management, resellerpackage management , basic setup etc,.