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Eenos Roadmap for  2024

This is the Eenos project roadmap for the year 2024. This strategic plan defines our goal or desired outcome and includes the major steps or milestones needed to reach it. This will show the complete planning of Eenos.

Status & Color Codes

We use the following status and color codes to understand the task situation.

  • Planned  -  This task is planned for the current year
  • Progress - This task is in an active development state.
  • Completed - The task has been completed.
  • Escalated - The task has been started but not finished in the expected time. So it was exalted to the next quarter

Q1 - 2024

The main task in Q1, 2024 is to build different operating system components for the Eenos control panel. So that Eenos can support more operating systems

1Packaging for RHEL 9In Progress
2Packaging for  RocyLinux 9 In Progress
3Packaging  for  AlamaLinux 9In Progress
4Packaging for CloudLinux 9In Progress

Q2 - 2024

In Q2,2024 we expect to do the software integration and compatibility testing for the package components.

1Integration testing for RPM-based OS distributions ( RHEl9. RockyLinux . AlamaLinux. and Cloudlinux ) Planned
2Level 1  feature implementation for  CloudLinux OS. So that the Cloudlinux LVE components work properly with the Eenos control panel.Planned
3Package Updates for the current distribution. This included updating server components like web servers, PHP , Python , Nodejs etc,. Planned