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Generate Backup Of Hosting Account

This tool will help you to create a complete backup of eenos  hosting account. This backup can be use to restore on another eenos server.



Command Options:

Copyright(c) 2020-2022,
usage: backupacct [options] user 

Create backup of eenos hosting account. By Default create compressed backup

  user               Eenos user name to backup

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --workdir WORKDIR  The directory to put the package
  --compressed       Compress backup into gzipped tar file (tar.gz)
  --archived         Archive backup into tar file (.tar)
  --nocompress       Neither compressed nor archived backup
  --skiphomedir      Exclude home directory backup
  --skipmysql        Exclude MySQL database backups
  --skippgsql        Exclude PgSQL database backups
  --skipmongodb      Skip Mongodb database backups
  --skipmailman      Exclude Mailman3 mailing list backups
  --skipemail        Exclude email accounts
  --skipbwdata       Exclude bandwidth usage
  --skipdiskusage    Exclude disk usage
  --skippublichtml   Exclude public_html folder
  --log              Enable unique backup log

Create Backup

To create backup of eenos hosting account use the following command

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/backupacct [options] <eenos user>

Example : Create backup of eenos hosting account with user name foo

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/backupacct foo

You can generate backups in three different formats

  1. Compressed Backups
  2. Archived Backup
  3. no compressed Backups

Compressed Backups

This  is the default backup option. This will create a compressed gzip tar file as backup file. The backup file will be ending with .tar.gz format

Archived Backup

The backups will be created as a tar file without any compression . The backup file end with extension .tar format

Non Compressed ( Plain , Incremental , Folder  Based )

This a backup without any type of compression or archiving . The backup name will be folder name which contains all backup files required to migrate or transfer the account.  

Backup Options

You can  include a number of options to the backup tool  for generating the desired type of  backup. The default backup option is a compressed backup with full hosting account data. It is suitable  for transferring hosting accounts.

The backup options are explained below


Use this options place the generated backup file into a specific folder on your server.

Example :  To backup the eenos user foo

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/backupacct --workdir foo


To create a compressed backups, This is the default backup option

Example :  To backup the eenos user foo

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/backupacct --compressed foo


To create an archived backups


To create a backup without any compressions or archive  format.  The backups will be kept inside a folder 


Skip copying home folder of the eenos user account. 


Exclude mysql database backups of the given user. 


Exclude the PostgreSQL database backups of the user


Exclude the mongodb databases and users of the user.  Don't copy mongodb's


This is a future  options version.  Mailman3 backup and restoration is not supported yet


Skip email account backups .


Skip collecting bandwidth usage history of the eenos user


Skip  backup of disk usage history of the hosting account


 Exclude the folder public_html , the main document  root of the account .