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Eenos License Troubleshoot 

To manage and update eenos license from eenos  server terminalterminal.

This  is a simple tool to check your eenos control panel license and update the license key.  Eenos useuses an IP based license system  .system. Eenos license supportsupports  both IPv4 and IPv6  Ips Ips.

If your server have an IPv6 ,IP, the license  will be issued for the IPv6 IP  only.



Command Options:

/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense <option>
Command Groups:
    -i, --init          -   Initialize a request for license
    -u, --update        -   Update License 
    -c, --check         -   Check License

Find  Eenos License IP

The first step is to find the eenos license IP. To find your eenos license IP  run the following command in server ssh terminalterminal.


This command will show eitheryou whether the ip is IPv4 onor Ipv6Ipv6. IPThen, and you need to activate the eenos  license for this IP from your client area on our website or your  license management port.portal.

Activate Eenos License

You need to activate the  Eenos license for the above seen IP address from your client arearea with us or your license purchaser portal or  license management port.portal. Eenos provideprovides Twotwo types of LicensesLicenses.

  1.  VPS

License Types

Eenos provide two type of licenses.


This is for VPS  /ContainerrsContainers / Cloud VMS  . This license can only run on a virtual operating systems .

This licenses will get default technical supportsupport.


This  license can be used on  both  dedicated and vps servers  including bare metal , cloud serversservers, etc,.etc . This is our premium license and you will get priority technical support withfor the dedicated licenseslicenses.

Init License Request

This is required only once required,once, it will be automatically initialized during the control panel installation. If you change your server License IP or reissue the license , then you need to initialize the license as follows  from severserver terminalterminal.

/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense --init


/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense --init
Starting License Initialization
License System ID : 145d78e5-a18a-44b1-952e-15e27f3a6617
Your Public ip : 2a01:xxxx:0xxx:xxxx:0000:0000:0000:0xxx
License already initialized

Check License From Server

To check the license  from serverthe server, use the following command,

/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense -c


usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense -c
Verifying Eenos License
License IP   : 2a01:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:0000:0000:0000:xxxx
License ID   : bd223039-cb1e-4375-97bb-aea1aebccba8
Created On   : 2022-12-07
Updated On   : 2022-12-07
License Type : DEDICATED
License OK

Verify License Online

You can verify the eenos license online from  the website 

UpdpateUpdate License Cache

Eenos license cache is valid for  2 to 4 weeks . So it will automatically fetch the license keys and store it in your server.  Your server doesn't need to communicate with eenos servers for working unless, if  the license is expired or invalid.

To  manually update the license cache in your server, run the following command,

/usr/local/eenos/bin/eenoslicense -u