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Backup Storage Pool Operations

This command will help you to perform some basic backup storage pool operations on the server.

Command :


Command Options :

usage: poolctl [command] [command options]  

Eenos backup storage pool utility

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -t pool_id, --test_pool pool_id
                        Test storage pool connection
  -l, --list            List storage pools

Command Options(Required):
  --root, -r            Root storage pool operations
  --reseller RESELLER, -re RESELLER
                        Reseller storage pool operations
  --user USER, -u USER  User storage pool operations

Pool Owner Operations.

You need to use the pool owner potion  --root, --reseller, or --user with all of these commands. So that those operations will be performed for the specific user.

List Pool

To list all  storage pools of  a user  ( root, reseller, or user )  use the following command,

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/poolctl -l USER

Where USER will be --root , --reseller or --user

Example 1:  List all storage pools of root or wap, use the following command

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/poolctl -l --root

Example 2:  List all storage pools of a reseller account,  myreseller, use the following command,

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/poolctl -l --reseller myreseller

Example 3:  List all storage pools of a user, myuser , use the following command

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/poolctl -l --user myuser

Test Pools Connection

This command will do a connection test to the storage pools.

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/poolctl -t pool_id  USER 

Where pool_id is the id of the pool and USER will be --root, --reseller, or --user

Example 1: Test pool connection for pool id 4ae130bb-d8a1-4b58-bed4-e412e504aefc for the user  root

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/poolctl -t 4ae130bb-d8a1-4b58-bed4-e412e504aefc --root

Example 2: Test pool connection for  pool id  99d8c43f-1aa7-4285-b990-217b376c1970 for reseller  myreseller

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/poolctl -t 99d8c43f-1aa7-4285-b990-217b376c1970 --reseller myreseller

Example 3:  Test storage pool connection for pool id 1df89ef8-e8ec-4b36-b158-0b1d08b25cc6 for user  myuser

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/poolctl -t 1df89ef8-e8ec-4b36-b158-0b1d08b25cc6 --user myuser

It is always recommended to test the storage pool connection  using the commands from the server terminal.

Testing storage pool connections from the web interface only tests the tcp port connections.