Restore Eenos Backup
This tools will help to restore backup generated from an eeos hosting control panel. You can restore the entire backup or a part of the backup like files, email , database etc.,
If you are restoring a full backup and the account is already exists in the server, it will only overwrite the data. If you wish to do a full clean restore, remove the account from the server before restoring.
/usr/local/eenos/scripts/restoreacct PATH_TO_BACKUP
Where PATH_TO_BACKUP is the full path to the backup file
Command Options:
usage: restoreacct [options] PATH_TO_BACKUP
Restore backup of eenos hosting account. By Default restore full backup
PATH_TO_BACKUP Full path to Eenos backup
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--log Create a custom log file
Restore Type:
--full Restore full account. This is default option
--home Restore home directory
--domain DOMAIN Restore a website content
--email EMAIL Restore an email account
--mysqldb MYSQLDB Restore a MySQL database
--pgsqldb PGSQLDB Restore a PgSQL database
--mongodb MONGODB Restore a MongoDB database
--file FILE Restore a single file. The file path need to be
relative to homedir
Example : public_html/foo/fun.php
--dir DIR Restore a folder. The directory path need to be
relative to homedir
Example : public_html/foo
Full account restore option(s):
--disk_mount DISK_MOUNT
The disk mount point to create home directory.
By default use the home directory from backup.
(Example : /home2)
--ipv4 IPV4 Assign a dedicated IPv4 address.
By default use the main shared IP address or
the IP address from the backup, if exists
--newname NEWNAME Restore backup into new eenos user name
This will rename the home directory and database names.
WARNING !!! : The websites may stop working due to the
change in storage path and database names
--skipname Use the same user name from the backup
By default enabled
--force Force restore if account exist in server.
This will replace the data only.
--skipmysql Exclude MySQL database(s) restore
--skiphome Exclude Homedir restore
--skiplets Exclude Lets encrypt auto ssl restore
--skippgsql Exclude PgSQL database(s) restore
--skipmongodb Skip Mongodb database(s) restore
--skipmailman Exclude Mailman3 mailing list backups
--skipemail Exclude email accounts restore
--skipbwdata Exclude bandwidth usage history
--skipdiskusage Exclude disk usage history
--skippublichtml Exclude public_html folder restore
--skipreseller Exclude reseller privileges
Restore Full Account
To restore a full account you may use the following command.
/usr/local/eenos/scripts/restoreacct --full PATH_TO_BACKUP
Where PATH_TO_BACKUP is the location path to the backup file. The PATH_TO_BACKUP may be a .tar or .tar.gz file , or a folder containing backup of the account.
You can also use the the following options along with full restore options.
Full Restore Options
This option will make changes or data exclude operations during backup restore process.
This option will use to assign a new home directory path for the restoring account.
By default use the home directory mentioned on the backup file
/usr/local/eenos/scripts/restoreacct --disk_mount DISK_MOUNT PATH_TO_BACKUP
Where DISK_MOUNT is the new home ( Example: /home2)
This option will change the IPV4 address of the account by assigning the new IP address. If the given IP is not exists or not available , the process will use the main shared IPv4 address of the account.
By default the restore process will use the IP from the backup and if the IP is not available, it will use the main shared IP
/usr/local/eenos/scripts/restoreacct --ipv4 IPV4 PATH_TO_BACKUP
Where IPV4 is the free IP available in the server