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Setup MongoDB Server

This  is a MongoDB server installation tool.  Eenos use the Percona distribution of MongoDB server which provideprovides the features of MongoDB  enterprise server.

Eenos is the first hosting control panel that supportsupports MongoDB in shared hosting with full features.

This tool can be used to install and reset the mongodb root password. 



Command Options :

Usage: /usr/local/eenos/scripts/setupmongodb  <options>=[values]

Command Groups:
    --install       -   Install Percona MongoDB Server
    --resetrootpwd  -   Reset MongoDB root password

Install MongoDB Server

To install MongoDB seversever, use the following command

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/setupmongodb --install

Reset MongoDB root password

To reset the mongodb sever root  passwordpassword, use the following command,

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/setupmongodb --resetrootpwd

Eenos supportsupports backup and restoration of mongodb databases .  Eenos  UAPP provideprovides Mongodb user anduser, role management options with nice featurefeatures with rich interface