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Setup App Server

This tool is used to setupset up the eenos app server which is required to run modern apps using muti Python ,Python, Multi NodeJSNodeJS, and Multi Ruby on Rails Application .Applications. This will install the Passenger server and libraries which will be  auto auto-configured with HTTPD and Nginx servers as modules. OpenLitespeed server doesn't need a Passenger module to run these applications.

Eenos is the first control panel that fully supportsupports sandboxed applicationapplications onin a hosting environment.



Command Options:

Usage: /usr/local/eenos/scripts/setuppassenger  <options>=[values]

Command Groups:
    -i, --install    -   To install passenger
    -ia, --apache    -   To install mod_passenger in apache httpd
    -in, --nginx     -   To install mod_passenger in Nginx
    -r , --remove    -   Uninstall passenger modules

Install  Passenger on All Web Servers

Use the following command to install the passenger module on all web servers

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/setuppassenger -i

Install Passenger on HTTPD Only

To install passengerPassenger on apachethe Apache httpd server,  use the following command.

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/setuppassenger -ia

Install Passenger on Nginx

To install the passenger module on the Nginx web server, use the following command.

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/setuppassenger -in

Uninstall Passenger

To remove the passenger module,  use the following command

/usr/local/eenos/scripts/setuppassenger -r

Removing passenger may break your websites if it is already  hosting pythonPython, , nodejsnodejs, or Ruby on Rails applications.