All Domains
Manage All Domains
This page will help you to manage all your domains and websites from a single page.
Domains -> All Domains
This page provides the following tasks:
- Change Document Root
- Force SSL
- Mange WWW redirection
- Manage URL redirection
This page will also show your domain or website category and which app is configured on the website .website.
Change Document Root
The document root is the location of the folder or directory into which you upload the website files. You can change the document root by clicking the edit icon .icon.
You can't change the document root of your main domain ,domain, the domain associated with your eenos hosting account created.
Force SSL
To force the domain to redirect all requests to HTTPS requests, so that httpHTTP requests will be redirected to httpsHTTP requests.
This option only works if your domain havehas an SSL certificate installed.
Mange WWW redirection
This will help you to redirect all requestrequests to WWW or non-www urlsURLs on a particular website.
Manage URL redirection
To redirect your website to some other website or urls .URL. It is like parking your domain over some other websites.