Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
Manage Certificate Signing Requests
This page will help you to generate and mange ssl certificate signing requests (CSR), which is required for generation of commercial ssl certificates.
Location :
SSL/TLS -> Signing Requests (CSR)
Create Certificate Signing Requests (CSR )
To create the CSR click the button Generate CSR from this page, which is take you to the CSR generation page. You may need to fill out the following details,
Email Address , Enter and email address which will receive the generated CSR and private Keys file.
Key Type , Select a private key option . It is recommended to use RSA
Some of the ECC/ECDSA certificates may not be supported by all browsers
Now fill out the certificate information like City, State , Country , Company name, Company Division and and Email address to contact the CA
Select Primary Domain Name , select the domain that you like to generate the CSR
SAN or UCC Domains, Enter all the sub domain on other domain names that may use the same certificate.
You can use this generated CSR to purchase commercial SSL certificate from a certificate provider.
Manage CSR
You can view all your generated CSR from this Signing requests page in a tabular format. With this table you can do the following tasks
- View CSR , to view the generated CSR
- Download CSR, to download the generated CSR to your desktop
- View Key , to view private key of the CSR
- Download Key, to download the private key file
- Delete CSR , will delete the CSR and key files
Deleting CSR and Key file are irreversible task. You can recover a deleted key files unless if you have it in your email inbox