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Install Commercial SSL Certificate

Install Commercial SSL Certificate on Domain

This page will help you to install a purchased commercial ssl certificate for your domain.

Location :

 SSL/TLS -> Install SSL Certificate

You may need the following three files to install the SSL certificate,

  1. Certificate  File (Crt) , this file containcontains the actual ssl certificate
  2. Private Key ( key file), the private key received during your CSR generation time
  3. Certificate Authority Bundle ( CA-Bundle or Chain Certificates) , some  sslSSL providers requiredrequire a CA-Bundle, you need to ask to your certificate provider company to get the CA-Bundle file

Once you have the above above-mentioned files, you can start installinstalling sslthe SSL certificate from this page by filling out the following,

Select Domain, Select the domain you like to install the SSL certificate

Certificate , enter the content of the CrtCRT file

Private Key, enter the contents of the private key file

Certificate Authority Bundle ,  enter the contents of the Ca-Bundle file ,file,

After filling out the form,  click the button Install SSL Certificate , this will install the ssl certificate on your domain

It is  recommendrecommended to add the SANS, ,com, mail.yourdomain.comcom, and to your ssl certificate CSR , if you are  installing the certificate on