Install Commercial SSL Certificate
Install Commercial SSL Certificate on Domain
This page will help you to install a purchased commercial ssl certificate for your domain.
Location :
SSL/TLS -> Install SSL Certificate
You may need the following three files to install SSL certificate,
- Certificate File (Crt) , this file contain the actual ssl certificate
- Private Key ( key file), the private key received during your CSR generation time
- Certificate Authority Bundle ( CA-Bundle or Chain
Cetificates)Certificates) , some ssl providers required CA-Bundle, you need to ask to your certificate provider company to get the CA-Bundle file
Once you have the above mentioned files, you can start install ssl certificate from this page by filling out the following following,
Select Domain, Select the domain you like to install SSL certificate
Certificate , enter the content of the Crt file
Private Key, enter the contents of private key file
After filling out the formform, click the button Install SSL Certificate , this will install the ssl certificate on your domain
It is recommend to add the SANS, , mail.yourdomain, and to your ssl certificate CSR , if you are installing the certificate on