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Python PIP Management

Manage Python Modules

This page will help you to manage pip modules on your pythonPython apps. You can installinstall, , update update, and uninstall pythonPython modules from this page.

Location :

Python -> Python PIP Management

Click the button Manage Pips  for the respective pythonPython app, it will take you to your pip management page.

Install New Pips

You can enter the contents of the requirements.txt file in this file to start installing the pip module on youyour domain.

Update  Single Pip

To update  a single pythonPython module, click the Update button for the respective pythonPython module.

Bulk Update Pips

To update multiple pip modules, select the pythonPython modules and click on the Bulk Update   button.

Uninstall Single Pip

To remove a single pip module, click the Remove button for the respective pythonPython module.

Bulk Uninstall Pips

To remove  multiple pip modules, select the pythonPython modules and click the Bulk  Remove button.

You can also manage the pythonPython modules from the shell also, if your hosting account havehas the shell access enabled.