Recently Updated Pages
Restore Backups
To Restore Backups from Eenos Schedules This option will help you to restore backups from Eenos...
Storage Pools
To Manage Backup Storage Locations This option will help you to add storage pools for the Eenos...
Install SSL Certificate
Install Commercial SSL Certificate This page will help you to install a commercial SSL certifica...
Signing Requests (CSR)
All Available Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) This page will show you all your SSL certificat...
Generate CSR
Generate SSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR) This page will help you to create new SSL certifi...
Manage SSL Hosts
Manage SSL Certificates on Domains This page will help you manage SSL certificates on a domain....
Add Features
To Create a Feature For the Eenos User Control Panel This page will allow you to create featur...
List Features
To List Features of Hosting Package This page will allow you to see all user control panel feat...
Add Package
To Create a Hosting Package or Plan This page will help you to create a hosting package. Packa...
List Package
To View and Edit Hosting Packages This page will show you all hosting packages created on the se...
Upgrade or Downgrade
Change Hosting Plan This option will help you to change the hosting plan which results in an acc...
Change Password
Change the Users Account Password To change the Eenos control panel login password of hosting a...
Suspend Or Unsuspend
To Suspend or Unsuspend Eenos Hosting Accounts You can suspend or un-suspend the hosting account...
Terminate Account
To Delete Eenos Hosting Accounts This option will help you to delete a single hosting account or...
Modify Account
To Modify a Hosting Account This option will allow you to edit your Eenos hosting account. So th...
Create User
To create a new Hosting Account This option will help you to create a new hosting account on you...
List Accounts
View Eenos Hosting Accounts This option will show you all your hosting accounts on your server. ...
My Company Branding Eenos supports the branding of your company and your resellers. So that the...
My Name Servers
To View and Change Reseller NS Records This page will show you the reseller Name servers and all...
My Accounts
A Quick Link to View Hosting Accounts This menu will take you to the list of host accounts page....