Recently Updated Pages
Node.Js & SandBox Apps
Manage NodeJs version and SandBox Apps This page will give an easy interface for managing your ...
NPM Management
Manage Node.Js Modules on SandBox Apps This page will help you to manage NodeJS NPM modules on y...
Deploy SandBox NodeJs Apps
How to deploy NodeJS Apps on Eenos? This document will help you to deploy a NodeJs app on your e...
Python & SandBox Apps
Manage SandBox Python Apps This page will give an easy interface for managing your Python sandbo...
Python PIP Management
Manage Python Modules This page will help you to manage pip modules on your Python apps. You can...
Deploy SandBox Python Apps
How to deploy Python apps on Eenos? This document will help you deploy a Python app on your eeno...
Domain PHP INI Settings
PHP INI Management This page will help you to set up and manage custom php.ini settings for indi...
Multi PHP Selector
Manage PHP Versions You can choose any PHP version for your website from here. You can also enab...
MongoDB Users
MongoDB User Management You can manage your MongoDB users from this page. These operations incl...
MongoDB Databases
Manage Your MongoDB Databases This page will help you to manage your MongoDB databases from the ...
Add User to MongoDB
Assign MongoDB database user to a database From this page, you can assign privileges for a Mongo...
Add MongoDB User
Create MongoDB Database User This page is for creating a MongoDB database user to connect to yo...
Add MongoDB Database
Create MongoDB Database This page will help you to create a MongoDB database under your eenos ac...
Accessing phpPgAdmin from the eenos control panel. You can access the PHPMyAdmin interface on yo...
PostgreSQL Users
PostgreSQL User Management You can manage your Pgsql users from this page. These operations inc...
PostgreSQL Databases
Manage Your PostgreSQL Databases This page will help you manage your PgSQL databases from the ee...
Add User to Database
Assign a PostgreSQL database user to a database From this page, you can assign privileges for a ...
Add PostgreSQL User
Create PostgreSQL Database User This page is for creating a PgSQL database user to connect to y...
Add PostgreSQL Database
Create PostgreSQL Database This page will help you to create a PostgreSQL database under your ee...
Accessing phpMyAdmin from the eenos control panel. You can access the PHPMyAdmin interface on yo...