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Basic Setup

Basic EWAP (Eenos Web Server Administration Panel) Settings

This is the main server settings page of your hosting server.  It is important that you need to configure this settings before creating users in your server. 

Preferences -> Basic Setup

This settings page have the following sections.

Main Shared IPv4 Address

This is the main IP address of  your hosting servers. This IP is the default shared IPv4 address of your  hosting accounts.  This features is required.

Eenos control panel need an IPv4 address for working. 

Main Shared IPv6 Address (If need)

Eenos support IPv6 IPs. So if you like to enable IPv6 on your hosting accounts. Please enter your  severs IPv6 address here. This is the main IPv6 Address.

It is recommend to your IPv6 address, if your server support it, because most of the modern mobile networks use  IPv6, which will bring a better traffic to your web application if it have IPv6  support.

Server Contact Email

This is an email address of server alerts.  All server alerts  like service issues and account operations will be send to this email address. 

You can use multiple email address as a comma separated list of email accounts.

User's Home Directory

This is the location  where your uses place their files. These folders are used to create the home directory of  Eenos user

Eenos user's home directory  is similar to a standard Linux  user home directory.

Primary Home Directory

This is the  directory  for creating users home as default.  This normally will be /home.  This field is important.

Primary home directory is a required field. 

Additional Home Directory

This is the secondary home directory. Only enable it if you like to assign an additional home directory. 

If additional home directory is enabled, new accounts will be created using the additional home directory. 

You can add multiple additional home directory as a comma separated list.

Default Name Servers

 These  are  the NS records  used to create a new domain in your server as  default NS records. If there is no custom NS , or reseller NS used  for  an account creation , all those accounts will use this default name servers.

 You can configure up to  4 name servers at this time.

The minimum number of NS records required is  one . We recommend to use a minimum of two Name server records .

After filling out the  above basic settings. You need to click the button Save Changes to saved the basic settings.