Server PHP Settings
Manage Multiple PHP Version on Server
This page will help you to manage multiple php versions on your server.
PHP -> Server PHP Settings
To install multiple php versions , please use the setuphp tool
Default Server PHP
This option will help you setup a default PHP version on the server.
Current Default PHP is the version of the PHP used by all websites on the sever, if there is no specific version assigned to that website.
To change the default PHP version on the server please select the following.
- Change Default PHP : The PHP version you like to set as default PHP and click Change PHP.
- Change Default Handler : The apache httpd PHP handler for the selected PHP and click Set PHP handler.
Nginx web server user PHP-FPM as handler and OpenLiteSpeed web server have its own lsphp handler too.
The Apache web server support SuPHP , CGI , FCGI and PHP-FPM handlers.
Available PHP Versions
This page will list all available PHP versions and its its handlers. You can change the handler of a specific PHP version using he button Change Handler. You can also set a PHP as default PHP using the button Make Default.
PHP Composer
The Eenos PHP always came with Composer. The default composer command will be using the default php . The command is as follows,
Version Specific Composer
If you need the PHP Composer of a specific version you will get it as follows, :
The composer of PHP 74 is :
The composer of PHP 82 is :
It is recommend to use the supported versions of PHP by the software developers. The discontinued php versions are provide with security patches from third parties.