Recently Updated Pages
Dovecot Settings
To control Dovecot server This page will help you to make some changes and configurations to th...
Manage RBL
Configure RBL Servers on Exim This option will help you to configure RBL servers for exim. E...
Mail Server Settings
Configure Exim SMTP Server This page will help you to configure the EXIM email server. Exim Mai...
FTP Deny Users
Deny users from FTP You can deny server FTP users using this option. FTP -> Deny Users The den...
FTP Server Settings
Configure FTP Server This page will help you to configure Eenos FTP server. FTP -> FTP Server S...
MongoDB Root Password
Reset MongoDB Root Password This option will help you to reset reset the admin password of Local...
Add Remote MongoDB Server
To add a remote MongoDB Server You can add unlimited number of remote MongoDB servers to your ...
MongoDB Servers
To Manage MongoDB Database Servers This page will show all MongoDB database servers configured i...
PostgreSQL Root Password
Reset PgSQL Administrative Password This option will help you to reset reset the admin password ...
Add Remote PgSQL Server
To add a remote PgSQL Server You can add unlimited number of remote PgSQL servers to your Eeno...
PostgreSQL Servers
To Manage PostgreSQL Database Servers This page will show all PgSQL database servers configured ...
MySQL Root Password
Reset MySQL Root Password This option will help you to reset reset the root password of Local My...
Add Remote MySQL Server
To add a remote MySQL Server You can add unlimited number of remote MySQL servers to your Eeno...
MySQL Servers
To Manage MySQL Database Servers This page will show all MySQL database servers configured in yo...
Domain Control
Control Modsecurity on Domains This option will help you to enable or disable modsecurity3 on ...
Varnish Cache Purge
Purger Cache on Varnish Server This option will help you to remove the server side Varnish cac...
Varnish Settings
Varnish Cache Server Settings This page will help you to configure Varnish Cache server. Varnis...
OLS Cache Purge
Remove OpenLiteSpeed Cache This option will help you to remove OpenLiteSpeed web server cache fr...
OpenLiteSpeed Domains
Manage Domain Vhost of OpenLiteSpeed Websites This option will show all OLS vhost files. OpenL...
OpenLiteSpeed Settings
OpenLiteSpeed Server Settings This option will help you to configure the main settings of OpenLi...