Recently Updated Pages
Create Email
Create an Email Account on Eenos This page will help you to create an email account on your doma...
Email Accounts
Manage Email Accounts This feature will help you to manage email accounts from your eenos contro...
Cache Purge
Clear Cache on the Website This page can be used to purge server-side cache from your website an...
Manage Domain Redirection This page will help you manage the redirection of all your websites o...
Domain App Selector
About App Selector This feature will help you select the proper virtual host settings for your w...
Create and Manage Alias domains or Parked Domains The Alias domain is also called the parked dom...
Sub Domains
Create and Manage Subdomains A subdomain is an additional part of your main domain name. Subdoma...
Addon Domains
Create and Manage Addon Domain Addon domain is additional domains or websites, that you can add...
All Domains
Manage All Domains This page will help you to manage all your domains and websites from a single...
Bandwidth Usage
My Bandwidth Usage This page will show the bandwidth usage of your hosting account. Location:...
Disk Usage
My Disk Usage Details This gives the total disk space usage on your hosting account. This opti...
Email Accounts
Quick access to an email account This dashboard sub-menu option will allow you to access email a...
My Domains
Quick Domain Management This feature provides a quick link to access your websites and manage ...
Overview The eenos user control panel (UAPP ) is a feature-rich user-friendly interface for ma...
Create a Reseller Control Panel Theme
How to create a custom theme for RAPP? You can easily customize a theme for your Eenos reseller...
Create a User Control Panel Theme
How to create a custom theme for UAPP? You can easily customize a theme for your Eenos end-user...
Getting Started with themes Eenos control panel provides an easy method for creating your own t...
PHP-FPM Templates
PHP FPM Templates These templates are used to customize php-fpm settings for websites on the ser...
AppTemplates ( Nginx , HTTPD, OpenliteSpeed )
Eenos App templates These templates are used to create customized virtual host settings for your...
SpamAssassin Templates
Eenos SpamAssassin Settings Templates These templates are used to customize spamd server setting...