Recently Updated Pages
MySQL Users
MySQL User Management You can manage your MySQL users from this page. These operations include ...
MySQL Databases
Manage Your MySQL Databases This page will help you manage your MySQL databases from the eenos c...
Add User to Database
Assign MySQL Database user to a database From this page, you can assign privileges for a MySQL d...
Add MySQL User
Create MySQL Database User This page is for creating a MySQL database user to connect to your M...
Add MySQL Database
Create MySQL Database This page will help you to create a MySQL database under your eenos accoun...
My DNS Zones
Manage the DNS of your Domains This page will help you to manage DNS zones. You can manage indi...
Add DNS Zone
Create a New DNS Zone You can use your eenos hosting server to host the DNS only for a domain. M...
Install Auto SSL Certificate
Install Let's Encrypt free and automatic SSL certificate You can install the Let's encrypt free ...
Install Commercial SSL Certificate
Install Commercial SSL Certificate on Domain This page will help you to install a purchased comm...
Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
Manage Certificate Signing Requests This page will help you to generate and manage ssl certifica...
Domain SSL Certificates
Manage SSL Certificates on Domains This page will help you to manage ssl certificate on your dom...
Create FTP Account
Add an FTP Account This option will allow you to create an FTP account on your eenos control pa...
FTP Accounts
Manage FTP Accounts This page will help you to create and manage FTP accounts from your eenos c...
Email Filters
Manage Email Filters Eenos provides Dovecot Sieve service as a full-featured email filter servic...
Web Mail
Eenos Web Mail Service A feature-rich interface to manage emails from the web. Eenos control pa...
Mailing Lists
Mailman 3 Mailing Lists Eenos hosting control panel supports Mailman3 modern mailing list manage...
Mail Exchange Server
Manage Email Routing You can choose your local server or a remote server as your email server. T...
Distribution Lists
Email Distribution Lists An email distribution list is a group mailing list. An email sent to th...
Email Pipe
Create & Manage Email Pipes A pipe is a virtual email address that will pipe your emails to the...
Create & Manage Email Forwarders You can create and manage email forwarders from the eenos contr...